Horror from the Body

Connor's eyes opened up in horror. He saw a monster...holding a knife. Connor's door opens and his father walks in and sees the creature. Connor wants to scream. But nothing came out. Connor went into a coma in shock. In his coma, he spat a yellow liquid every few minutes, doctors looked at the substance and studied it, they could not identify it, they looked at his DNA. It was normal. Nothing was wrong with him.  Science couldn't explain it. Connor dreamt he wasn't a coma, but he was in his house. He saw his dog, named Prince. He also saw his mother, father, and family...he loves his new life, he learns new things, new languages, he thought it was the best life ever. He thought no one else was having a awesome life like he was. One morning, in Connor's dreams, he fed his dog, cooked breakfast then, he was tired; morning sickness. He went back to bed.
He woke up, he was no longer in a coma. He thought he was dreaming. He saw his dad and he said, "Is this a dream?", his dad said "No, this is not a dream, you were in a coma for 12 years." Connor didn't believe him. "How could this be a dream?", his dad said "No, you were asleep for 12 years, what do you think that murderer did to you?", Connor wondered what he was even talking about. Then, about a split second later, he remembered. A man was standing with a knife. That's all Connor remembered. Connor, got up, and pulled off all of the shots off of him, he was bleeding. He grabbed one of the empty shots and stabbed the doctors, he went visibly insane. He was arrested and taken to a mental hospital, he says that he is Mr. Monster. The doctors kept him there for 5 years. He went visibly insane, he always stabbed himself with his growing claws, he never wanted any food, he was insane. After the 5 years was over, he went to prison for another 10 years, he finally started eating and drinking. 
After 10 years, he started taking drugs. He took bad drugs, and he became a criminal, he developed several diseases. He died, then he came back to life. He wasn't a good person after the coma. He will never be. He's also, never dying. People have stabbed him, he dies, and comes back, he is immortal, people started thinking he is Mr. Monster. In fact, he IS Mr. Monster. And Mr. Monster want's his prey.